The One-Minute Fix for Our Broken Government

A Public-Friendly Way to Fund Campaigns

Tired of our elected representatives working for wealthy corporations instead of the other 99.9% of us? Oddly enough, most of our newer representatives are too. But, since they have to raise massive sums of money to get reelected, with over 70% coming from large donors, they usually feel they have no other choice.

Are you checked out of our political system? Feel like it’s hopeless? It’s not! What if there was a simple one-minute fix to take care of this? The good news is that there is! All it will take you is one minute. It won’t cost you a penny.

Put simply, the wealthy give over $4 billion in bribes (oops … "campaign contributions") in each election. We propose that each voting age citizen have $100 each year, from the federal budget, that they can designate to the candidate(s) of their choice. This creates a potential pool of $20 billion to counterbalance donations from the wealthy.

Again, it costs you nothing! Money would go directly from the U.S. Treasury to the candidate(s) you designate. Simply go online, and designate who gets the money. Then, our candidates can start working for us!

We are aiming for 100,000 signatures on the petition. This will be enough to get media attention.

I suspect most media will be for it, because they stand to gain $10 billion in advertising yearly as politicians spend the money. Politicians in both parties also stand to gain.

So, this has an excellent chance of succeeding. All you need to do is:

  1. Sign the petition.
  2. Share this with your friends on social media.

That’s all there is to it! We are not even asking for money 🙂

Ready to reclaim YOUR government? You can — easily! Let’s do it!

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